In season
From June to November
Fishing and trolling boats
Fishing method
Hook and live bait or rod and lure
Fishermen per boat
Live bait: 16 to 18 fishermen Trolling: 7 to 9 fishermen
Fishing time
15 to 20 days

White Tuna

Not all white tuna is Bonito del Norte. Bonito del Norte typically weighs over 4 kg and is caught with a hook and line in the Bay of Biscay. They are individually caught using traditional tackle (nets are not used) to make sure the fish do not suffer and are of exceptional quality. The texture and flavour of Bonito del Norte are second to none. The Basque fishing boats head north towards Irish waters in search of this highly migratory species.


White tuna has a firm, elongated body with a large mouth, small cone-shaped teeth and large round eyes.
It is silvery blue in colour with a rainbow-coloured effect on the belly. The older the fish, the darker the criss-crossed stripes along the flanks.
Eating habits
They are carnivorous and feed on species that swim close to the surface, such as sardines, anchovies and cicadas.
Length and weight
30 to 50 cmMore than 4kg

How to detect the freshness of fish

The eyes should be flat and clear, with no cloudiness.

The flesh should be firm.

The scales should be clean and bright.

Tuna steaks should be bright pink with as little blood as possible in the centre.

Fresh tuna should smell of the sea. A fishy odour suggests it is past its best.

El pescado en casa

Keep refrigerated

As the cold chain can easily be broken once the fish leaves the fishmonger, it is important to store it in the coldest part of the refrigerator (between 2 and 4°C). Always consume as soon as possible.

Handle with care

To enjoy fish at its best, the less it is handled, the better. Always handle and cut fish quickly and firmly.

Store wrapped in a damp cloth

The best way to keep fish fresh for longer is to store it in the fridge wrapped in a damp cloth.

Fish freezes well

The fresher it is when you freeze it, the better it will be upon thawing. To ensure best results, always allow frozen fish to thaw slowly in the fridge to prevent sudden changes in temperature.

1 white Longfinned tuna steak


  • Longfinned tuna - 250 g
  • Garlic slivers - 20 g
  • Sunflower oil
  • Cider vinegar
  • 1 dried cayenne pepper
  • Olive oil
  • Salt
  • Sour potatoes - 100 g
  • Stock - 200 ml